Search strings for 02-02

Usage Statistics for
Summary Period: February 2002
Generated 01-Mar-2002 03:08 EST

This is...

grep hack -c 0202_search_strings.html

grep 139 -c 0202_search_strings.html

grep netbios -c 0202_search_strings.html

grep cable -c 0202_search_strings.html

grep script -c 0202_search_strings.html

grep win98 -c 0202_search_strings.html

grep irc -c 0202_search_strings.html

5          0.38%  anatomy of a hack

4          0.30%  139 hack

4          0.30%  netbios hack

4          0.30%  port 111 hack

4          0.30%  win98 hack ip address

3          0.23%  hack 139 port

3          0.23%  windows sucks

heh.. I have this in my <meta description= > on every page..

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2          0.15%  hack port 139 netbios

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2          0.15%  ip port udp 1060

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1          0.08%  hack worldnet

1          0.08%  help hack 139 port

1          0.08%  how do you pronounce gnome in swedish

Couldn't resist..

1          0.08%  how to get past bess filtering
1          0.08%  how to hack 139 port
1          0.08%  how to hack a cable modem
1          0.08%  how to hack and exploit netbios
1          0.08%  how to hack cable box
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1          0.08%  how to hack port 37
1          0.08%  how to hack somebody's computer with ip address
1          0.08%  how to hack someone's computer with their ip address
1          0.08%  how to hack someone's e-mail
1          0.08%  how to hack using port 139
1          0.08%  how to hack win98 netbios
1          0.08%  how to program malicious scripts with visual basic script

1          0.08%  howto exploit port 139
1          0.08%  howto hack port 139
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1          0.08%  howto port 139 hack

1          0.08%  internet hack port 139
1          0.08%  internet worm visual basic source

1          0.08%  ip hack

1          0.08%  learning to hack ip's

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1          0.08%  netbios hack win98
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1          0.08%  netbios win98 hack

1          0.08%  port 0 (icmpppp0input): 3 packet(s).__ port domain (udpppp0inpu
1          0.08%  port 139 hack
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1          0.08%  visual basic worm
1          0.08%  visual basic worms code

1          0.08%  win98 netbios hack
1          0.08%  win98 port 139 exploit
Last modified: Mon Mar 4 07:21:10 2002